All Classes and Interfaces

Aardvark class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
Abyssinian class is derived from animal class
Provide methods to create and run a group of Abyssinian
Animal super class for traits shared by all animals.
Animal gender options Illustrates enumerated types (simple Java enum) Good for attributes selected from a drop-down list
Animal number of leg options Illustrates enumerated types (Java enum with int value) Good for attributes selected from a drop-down list
ArvicolinaeTest class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
This is my custom group class Provides methods to create and run a group of ArvicolinaeGroup
Asp class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Asps
creating BearcatGroup class for compress the switch logic
BengalTiger class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of BengalTiger
this class is for printing the bill
Provides methods to create and run a group of Jaguars
Brachiosaurus class creation and extends with Animal class
Provides methods to create and run a group of Cats
choosing type of checking based upon user interest
Cheetah class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
CongoLion class is derived from class animal
Provides methods to create and run a group of CongoLions
Cow class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Cows
Crocodile class derived subclass of the super class animal
Provides methods to create and run a group of Crocodile
Dalmatian class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Dalmatian
Provides methods to create and run a group of Dinosaurs
enum for drink list and setting the prizes to
Duck class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Duck
This class defines the nature of the Elephant animal
Elephant Bird class derived from animal class
Provides methods to create and run a group of ElephantBirds
This defines ElephantGroup
This class defines the nature of the Emu animal
This class defines EmuGroup
FerociousTiger class extends from parent class Animal
* Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
Floppy class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Floppy
Gerenuk class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Gerenuks
Giraffe class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Giraffe
Glyptodon Class derived from animal class
Provides method to create an run group a group of Glyptodon
Provides methods to create and run a group of Goats
The class Griffin, a subclass of Animal
Generates groups of Griffins using create() and run()
HarpSeal class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of HarpSeals
Run (simulate) the group doing things
Provides methods to create and run a group of Hippopotamus
enum for Items list and setting the prizes to
This class defines the nature of the koala
Provides methods to create and run a group of Koala
Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
Lion class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
This is lioness class which is extended from Animal Class
Provides methods to create and run a group of Lioness's
This is the MightyLion class This class have move and speak method of Lion
Provides methods to create and run a group of MightyLions
This class is about MuleDeer extends Animal
This class is about MuleDeerGroup
storing the ne visitor details
This class defines the nature of the Okapi animal.
Provides methods to create and run a group of Okapis
storing drink orders in this class
storing Items orders in this class
Provides methods to create and run a group of Pandas
e num type of age
This Class extends Animal class
This is PantheraGroup group class
this person abstract class
PolarBear class (derived from subclass of superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of PolarBear
This is ProngHorn animal class.(derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
This is ProngHorn group class.
This class defines the nature of the Puma animal
This class defines PumaGroup
This is Rabbit class which extends Animal class
This is Rabbit Group which defines the Rabbit class
checking visitor is there are not
RelayHorse class extends from parent class Animal
Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
This class is a custom Lion class, which is defining the lion behavior
This class is about Shoebill extends Animal
Provides methods to create and run a group of Shoebills
Squireel class (derived from subclass of superclass Animal)
SquirrelGroup class demonstrating run and create methods
storing the staff data extending person abstract class
choosing type of checking based upon staff interest
This is the Stag class which extends Animal
enum function with month values
This class of StagGroup provides methods to create and run a group of stags
Provides methods to create and run a group of StringRay.
StringRayGroup which gives their behaviour
This class defines the nature of the SunBear animal
This class defines SunBearGroup
This Class extends Animal class
Provides methods to create and run a group of TauntingTiger
Provides methods to create and run a group of Unicorn
storing visitor data and extending the person abstract class
Walrus class,derived subclass from the superclass Animal)
Provides methods to create and run a group of Walrus
Provides methods to create and run a group of Xraytetras
Provides methods to create and run a group of YukonMoose
This is main class
Entry point for our new Spring Boot Web App.