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Aardvark - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Aardvark class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Aardvark(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
Aardvark constructor
AardvarkGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
AardvarkGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AardvarkGroup
about() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Walrus
AbstactPerson - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
AbstactPerson() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbstactPerson
AbstractAdventure - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
AbstractAdventure() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbstractAdventure
AbstractGame - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
AbstractGame() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbstractGame
AbstractRide - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
AbstractRide() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbstractRide
AbstractVehicle - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
AbstractVehicle() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbstractVehicle
Abyssinian - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Abyssinian class is derived from animal class
Abyssinian(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Abyssinian
AbyssinianGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provide methods to create and run a group of Abyssinian
AbyssinianGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbyssinianGroup
access() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
method for addition
add() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBear
addition() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Okapi
AdoptAnimal - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup.Donate
Afghini_chicken - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
age - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.NewVisitor
age - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
age() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines age of animal
age(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
agec() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
returns agec method
amul(double, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This method returns value by multiplying two values
amuladd(double, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This method returns value by adding two values
Animal - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Animal super class for traits shared by all animals.
Animal(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
Animal constructor
AnimalGender - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Animal gender options Illustrates enumerated types (simple Java enum) Good for attributes selected from a drop-down list
AnimalLegs - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Animal number of leg options Illustrates enumerated types (Java enum with int value) Good for attributes selected from a drop-down list
APRIL - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
APRIL - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
area(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dinosaur
Arvicolinae - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
ArvicolinaeTest class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Arvicolinae - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup.Animal
Arvicolinae(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Arvicolinae
ArvicolinaeGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is my custom group class Provides methods to create and run a group of ArvicolinaeGroup
ArvicolinaeGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup
ArvicolinaeGroup.Animal - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Asp - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Asp class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Asp(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Asp
Aardvark constructor
AspGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Asps
AspGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AspGroup
August - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo.Calender
AUGUST - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
AUGUST - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months


BANGLADESH - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat.occurFrom
Bearcat - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Bearcat(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat
Bearcat.occurFrom - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BearcatGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
creating BearcatGroup class for compress the switch logic
BearcatGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BearcatGroup
behaviour() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguar
behaviour method
behaviour() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
BengalTiger - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BengalTiger class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
BengalTiger(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTiger
BengalTigerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of BengalTiger
BengalTigerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTigerGroup
Billing - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
this class is for printing the bill
Billing() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Billing
BlackJaguar - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BlackJaguar(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguar
BlackJaguarGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Jaguars
BlackJaguarGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguarGroup
BlackPanther - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BlackPanther(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPanther
String declaration.
BlackPantherGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BlackPantherGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPantherGroup
Brachiosaurus - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Brachiosaurus class creation and extends with Animal class
Brachiosaurus(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Brachiosaurus
Brachiosaurus declaration
BrachiosaurusGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BrachiosaurusGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BrachiosaurusGroup
breed() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Abyssinian
breed() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat
Buffalo - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Buffalo(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
* Constructor for Buffalo
Buffalo() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
BuffaloGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
BuffaloGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BuffaloGroup


cal() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat
cal() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dalmatian
This method will initialize the values and calls the addition method
calc() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
calculate() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
calculate() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
calculateAreaOfCircle(double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Unicorn
calculateSumParity(int, int) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
calculateSumParity() - Calculates the parity of a 2 number sum
calculation() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Puma
This method will initialize the values and calls the sum method
calculation() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Walrus
Cat - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Cat - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup.Animal
Cat(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cat
CatGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Cats
CatGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CatGroup
character() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Floppy
character function
character() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
character function
check(int) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.RegularVisitor
check(int) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
Checkin - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
choosing type of checking based upon user interest
Checkin() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Checkin
checkRepetition() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lioness
Cheetah - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Cheetah class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Cheetah(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cheetah
Cheetah constructor
CheetahGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
CheetahGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CheetahGroup
CHICKEN_BIRYANI - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
child() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
child() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Goat
chooice(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.StaffCheckin
choose(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Checkin
color() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
color() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
color() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Goat
color() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Rabbit
color() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
confess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroov
confess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill
confess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRay
CongoLion - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
CongoLion class is derived from class animal
CongoLion(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
CongoLionGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of CongoLions
CongoLionGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLionGroup
Cow - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Cow class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Cow - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup.Animal
Cow - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup.Animals
Cow(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
Cow Constructor
Cow.EnumDirections - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
CowGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Cows
CowGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CowGroup
creat() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
Added the staff data to create method.
creat() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
Added the visitors
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AardvarkGroup
Create a static group of Aardvarks
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbyssinianGroup
Create a static group of Abyssinian
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup
Create a static group of ArvicolinaeGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AspGroup
Create a static group of Asp
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BearcatGroup
Create a static group of Bearcat
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTigerGroup
Create a static group of BengalTiger
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguarGroup
Create a static group of Jaguars
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPantherGroup
Create a static group of BlackPanthers
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BrachiosaurusGroup
Create a static group of Aardvarks
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BuffaloGroup
Create a static group of Aardvarks
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CatGroup
Create a static group of Cats
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CheetahGroup
Create a static group of Cheetah
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLionGroup
Create a static group of CongoLion
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CowGroup
Create a static group of Cow
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CrocodileGroup
Create a static group of Crocodile
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DalmatianGroup
Create a static group of Dalmatian
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DeerGroup
Create a static group of Deer
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DinosaurGroup
Create a static group of Dinosaur
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DuckGroup
Create a static group of Duck
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBirdGroup
Create a static group of ElephantBird
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.EmuGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTigerGroup
Create a static group of FerociousTiger
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FloppyGroup
Create a static group of Floppy
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FrogGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GerenukGroup
Create a static group of Gerenuk
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GiraffeGroup
Create a static group of Giraffe
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GlyptodonGroup
Create a static group of Glyptodon *
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GoatGroup
Create a static group of Goats
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GriffinGroup
Create a static group of Griffins
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup
Create a static group of HarpSeal
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HippopotamusGroup
Create a static group of Hippopotamus
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KangarooGroup
Create a static group of Kangaroo
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KangaroovGroup
Create a static group of Kangaroov
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KoalaGroup
Create a static group of Koala
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LigerGroup
Create a static group of Liger
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LionessGroup
Create a static group of Lioness
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LionGroup
Create a static group of Lion
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLionGroup
Create a static group of MightyLions
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeerGroup
Create a static group of MuleDeers
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.OkapiGroup
Create a static group of Okapi
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup
Create a static group of Panda
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PantheraGroup
Create a static group of Panther
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBearGroup
Create a static group of PolarBear
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHornGroup
Create a static group of ProngHorny
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PumaGroup
Create a static group of Pumas
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RabbitGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorseGroup
Create a static group of RelayHorse
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLionGroup
Create a static group of Aardvarks
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ShoebillGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTigerGroup
Create a static group of SiberianTiger
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SquirrelGroup
Create a static group of Squirrel
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StagGroup
Create a static group of Stag
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRayGroup
Create a static group of StringRay
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBearGroup
Created a static group of SunBear
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTigerGroup
Create a static group of TauntingTigerGroup
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.UnicornGroup
Create a static group of Unicorn
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup
Create a static group of Walrus
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.XraytetraGroup
Create a static group of Xraytetra
create() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMooseGroup
Create a static group of YukonMoose
Crocodile - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Crocodile class derived subclass of the super class animal
Crocodile(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Crocodile
CrocodileGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Crocodile
CrocodileGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CrocodileGroup


Dalmatian - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Dalmatian class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Dalmatian(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dalmatian
DalmatianGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Dalmatian
DalmatianGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DalmatianGroup
dance() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Arvicolinae
DECEMBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
DECEMBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
Deer - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Deer(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Deer
DeerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
DeerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DeerGroup
details() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguar
details method
diet() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
* Override method for buffalo diet
diet() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cheetah
Dinosaur - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Dinosaur(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dinosaur
DinosaurGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Dinosaurs
DinosaurGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DinosaurGroup
directionToGo(Cow.EnumDirections) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
disc(int, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
discount(int, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat
display() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
Drinks - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
enum for drink list and setting the prizes to
Duck - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Duck class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Duck - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup.Animals
Duck(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Duck
Duck constructor
duckEggsProduction(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Duck
Custom Duck function - your class must use a unique function name
DuckGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Duck
DuckGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DuckGroup


EAST - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow.EnumDirections
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Abyssinian
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dalmatian
Determines the animal eat
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Duck
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Goat
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Liger
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Okapi
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTiger
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
eat() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This method is about the animal eating
edu.nwmissouri.animalList - package edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This module contains the code for our Zoo Simulation.
edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group - package edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
EducationalExercise - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
EducationalExercise() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.EducationalExercise
Elephant - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines the nature of the Elephant animal
Elephant(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Elephant
This method is used to get the string from the parent class
ElephantBird - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Elephant Bird class derived from animal class
ElephantBird(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBird
ElephantBird name
ElephantBirdGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of ElephantBirds
ElephantBirdGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBirdGroup
ElephantGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This defines ElephantGroup
ElephantGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantGroup
Emu - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines the nature of the Emu animal
Emu(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Emu
EmuGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines EmuGroup
EmuGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.EmuGroup
emuSum(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Emu
This method will calculate the sum of two numbers
enterfee - Static variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Billing


facts() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Brachiosaurus
facts() methods
FALL - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill.Seasons
family() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
* Override method for buffalo family
family() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
Family method of FerociousTiger
favfood() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Rabbit
FEBRUARY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
FEBRUARY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
feed() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
feeding() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
feeding method
FEMALE - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalGender
FerociousTiger - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
FerociousTiger class extends from parent class Animal
FerociousTiger(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
Constructor for FerociousTiger
FerociousTigerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
* Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
FerociousTigerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTigerGroup
findCost() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Billing
calculating total price
firstName - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
Floppy - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Floppy class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Floppy(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Floppy
Floppy constructor
FloppyGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Floppy
FloppyGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FloppyGroup
fname - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.NewVisitor
food() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Deer
food() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
Food - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup.Donate
FOUNTAIN_SODA_20_OZ - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
FOUR_LEGS - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
Animal generally has four legs
FRESH_BREWED_ICED_TEA - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
Frog - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Frog(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
FrogGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
FrogGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FrogGroup
fullname(String, String) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panda
functionMultiply() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
funfacts() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal


gender - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
Animals have an associated gender which may be unknown.
gender - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.NewVisitor
gender - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
gender() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines gender of animal
Gerenuk - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Gerenuk class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Gerenuk(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
Gerenuk constructor
GerenukGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Gerenuks
GerenukGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GerenukGroup
getAardvarkAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
Custom Aardvark function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getAge() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
getAge() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
getAreaOfCircle() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Unicorn
getArvicolinaeAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Arvicolinae
Custom Arvicolinae function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getBlackPantherAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPanther
getBuffaloAddition(double, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
getCatAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cat
Custom Aardvark function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getCheetahAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cheetah
Custom Cheetah function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getCowAddition(double, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
getCrocodileAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Crocodile
Custom Aardvark function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getDalmatianaddition(double, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dalmatian
This method will calculate the addition of two numbers
getDrinkName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.OrderedDrink
getDrinkOrders() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Checkin
getDrinkOrders() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.StaffCheckin
getDrinkPrice() - Method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
getElephantAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Elephant
This method will calculate the sum of two numbers
getFirstName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
getGender() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
Get the animal gender.
getGender() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
getGerenukAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
Custom Gerenuk function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getGiraffeMultiplication(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Giraffe
Custom Giraffe function
getHarpSealAdd(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
getHippopotamusAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Hippopotamus
Custom Hippopotamus function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getIsExtinct() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getIsExtinct() - Returns whether the animal is extinct or not
getItemName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.OrderedItem
getItemOrders() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Checkin
getItemOrders() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.StaffCheckin
getItemPrize() - Method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
getKangaroovAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroov
Custom getKangaroovAddtion function
getLastName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
getLatinName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getLatinName() - Returns the animal's Latin name
getLigerAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Liger
getLionAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lion
Custom Lion function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getLionAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLion
this function returns the sum the two input parameters
getLocationFound() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getLocationFound() - Return the location the animal is found
getMightyLionAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion
getMovementSpeed() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getMovementSpeed() - Returns the max movement speed of the animal
getMuleDeerAdd(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
getMyName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getMyName() - Returns the animal's name
getName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
Get animal's name.
getOkapiAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Okapi
This method will calculate the sum of two numbers
getPantheraAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
adds the two numbers
getPolarBearAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBear
custom PolarBear function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getProngHornAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
Custom ProngHorn function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getPumaAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Puma
This method will calculate the sum of two numbers
getRelayHorseAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorse
Custom RelayHorse function - your class must use a unique function name unique first parameter identifier unique second parameter identifier do something creative
getShoebillAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill
Custom getShoebillAddtion function
getSleepDuration() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getSleepDuration() - Return how long the animal sleeps
getSpeciesName() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
getSpeciesName() - Returns the animal's species
getStaffId() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
getStaffList() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
getStagAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
getStatus() - Method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
getStringRayAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRay
getSunBearAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBear
Custom SunBear function
getTotal_price() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Billing
getTotalSleep(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
getVisitorId() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
getVisitorList() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
getWeight_pounds() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
getXraytetraAddition(double, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
Custom getXraytetraAddtion function
Giraffe - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Giraffe class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Giraffe(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Giraffe
Giraffe constructor
GiraffeGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Giraffe
GiraffeGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GiraffeGroup
Glyptodon - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Glyptodon Class derived from animal class
Glyptodon(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Glyptodon
Animal addition
GlyptodonGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides method to create an run group a group of Glyptodon
GlyptodonGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GlyptodonGroup
Goat - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Goat(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Goat
GoatGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Goats
GoatGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GoatGroup
Griffin - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
The class Griffin, a subclass of Animal
Griffin(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
Griffin constructor Creates an instance of the Griffin class, requires a name
GriffinGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Generates groups of Griffins using create() and run()
GriffinGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GriffinGroup


habitate() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
living method
habitate() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
HarpSeal - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
HarpSeal class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
HarpSeal - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup.Animals
HarpSeal(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
HarpSealGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of HarpSeals
HarpSealGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup
HarpSealGroup.Animals - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Run (simulate) the group doing things
height() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines height of animal
height(int, float) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
heightweight(double, double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
A method which returns height and weight of an animal combined in double
Hippopotamus - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Hippopotamus(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Hippopotamus
HippopotamusGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Hippopotamus
HippopotamusGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HippopotamusGroup


id - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.NewVisitor
INDIA - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat.occurFrom
intro() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Walrus
isDisabled() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines whether animal is disabled or not
isIsAlive() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
ismamal() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Deer
Items - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
enum for Items list and setting the prizes to
IZZE_SPARKLING_JUICE - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks


JANUARY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
JANUARY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
July - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo.Calender
JULY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
JULY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
JUNE - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
JUNE - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months


Kangaroo - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Kangaroo(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
Kangaroo.Calender - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
KangarooGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
KangarooGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KangarooGroup
Kangaroov - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Kangaroov(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroov
Kangaroo Constructor
KangaroovGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
KangaroovGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KangaroovGroup
kidAge - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup.age
Koala - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines the nature of the koala
Koala(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Koala
KoalaGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Koala
KoalaGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KoalaGroup


lastName - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
lifespan() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
* Override method for buffalo lifespan
lifespan() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
Lifespan method of FerociousTiger
Liger - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Liger(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Liger
Liger constructor
LigerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
LigerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LigerGroup
Lion - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Lion class (derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
Lion(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lion
lionAddtion() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLion
this function is to declare the local variables for to call an actual addition function
Lioness - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is lioness class which is extended from Animal Class
LionessGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Lioness's
LionessGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LionessGroup
LionGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
LionGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LionGroup
livespan() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
live span method
lname - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.NewVisitor
location() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Floppy
location function
location() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
location() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
location function
logarithm() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
This method prints the logarithm value of a number prints the logarithm value


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.ZooResApp
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.ZooRestaurantApplication
MALE - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalGender
MARCH - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
MARCH - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
MAY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
MAY - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
middleAge - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup.age
MightyLion - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is the MightyLion class This class have move and speak method of Lion
MightyLion(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion
MightyLion.Months - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
MightyLionGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of MightyLions
MightyLionGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLionGroup
Money - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup.Donate
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Abyssinian
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
abstract move() - has no implementation
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Arvicolinae
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Asp
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTiger
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguar
move method
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPanther
BlackPanther move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Brachiosaurus
move() method
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
* Override method for buffalo move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cat
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cheetah
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Crocodile
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dalmatian
Determines the animal move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Deer
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dinosaur
This method is used to print move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Duck
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Elephant
This is used to print animal move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBird
Elephant Bird move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Emu
Determines the animal move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
Override method for FerociousTiger Move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Floppy
move override function of super class animal
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
overrides move method
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Giraffe
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Glyptodon
Animal move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Goat
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
move() - Describes the general type of movement the animal Griffin
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Hippopotamus
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroov
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Koala
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Liger
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lion
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lioness
This method is used to print the moving nature
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
Overriding move method
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Okapi
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panda
move overrides function in animal class
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
This is move method which is used to to print the message print the statement that describes the Panther movements
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBear
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
This is move method which is used to to print the message print the statement
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Puma
Determines the animal move
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Rabbit
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorse
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLion
this function prints the animal movement
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTiger
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines movement of animal
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRay
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBear
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This method is about the animal movement
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Unicorn
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Walrus
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
This is move method which is used to to print the message print the statement
move() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
mul(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
function mul gives multiplication
MuleDeer - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class is about MuleDeer extends Animal
MuleDeer(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
constructor for MuleDeer
MuleDeerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class is about MuleDeerGroup
MuleDeerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeerGroup
multiplication(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
This method prints the multiplication of two numbers prints the Multiplication value
multiply() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Giraffe
Custom Giraffe function for performing an operation


name - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
Every animal has a name.
name(String, String) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguar
name(String, String) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
NEPAL - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat.occurFrom
NewVisitor - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
storing the ne visitor details
NewVisitor(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.NewVisitor
NO_LEGS - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
Animal has no legs / does not apply
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow.EnumDirections
NOVEMBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
NOVEMBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months


OCTOBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
OCTOBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
Okapi - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines the nature of the Okapi animal.
Okapi(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Okapi
OkapiGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Okapis
OkapiGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.OkapiGroup
oldAge - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup.age
OrderedDrink - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
storing drink orders in this class
OrderedDrink(Drinks) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.OrderedDrink
OrderedItem - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
storing Items orders in this class
OrderedItem(Items) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.OrderedItem
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalGender
OVER_FOUR_LEGS - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
Animal generally has many legs (more than 4)


Panda - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Panda(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panda
Panda constructor
PandaGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Pandas
PandaGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup
PandaGroup.age - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
e num type of age
pandaType() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panda
function pandaType
Panthera - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This Class extends Animal class
Panthera(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
This is parameter constructor which initialize the instance variables according to parameters passed
PantheraGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is PantheraGroup group class
PantheraGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PantheraGroup
per(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTiger
perimeter() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTiger
perimeter of solid
Person - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
this person abstract class
Person() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
Constructor without parameters
Person(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
Constructor with Parameters
place() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTiger
place() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
place() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Deer
place() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
PolarBear - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
PolarBear class (derived from subclass of superclass Animal)
PolarBear(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBear
PolarBear constructor
PolarBearGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of PolarBear
PolarBearGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBearGroup
PRAWNS_BIRYANI - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
printBill(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Billing
Returning bill formate
profes() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPanther
profes() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Brachiosaurus
profes() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBird
profes() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Glyptodon
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Arvicolinae
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cat
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cheetah
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Crocodile
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Elephant
This method will initialize the values and calls the sum method
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Hippopotamus
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lion
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBear
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorse
profess() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
profess function
profess1() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
profess calls the two numbers calls the function getPantheraAddition
profess1() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
function profess1 calls the getProngHornAddition method
ProngHorn - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is ProngHorn animal class.(derived subclass of the superclass Animal)
ProngHorn(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
ProngHornGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is ProngHorn group class.
ProngHornGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHornGroup
Puma - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines the nature of the Puma animal
Puma(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Puma
PumaGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines PumaGroup
PumaGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PumaGroup


Rabbit - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is Rabbit class which extends Animal class
Rabbit(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Rabbit
RabbitGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is Rabbit Group which defines the Rabbit class
RabbitGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RabbitGroup
RED_BULL - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
region() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
RegularVisitor - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
checking visitor is there are not
RegularVisitor() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.RegularVisitor
RelayHorse - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
RelayHorse class extends from parent class Animal
RelayHorse(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorse
RelayHorse constructor
RelayHorseGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Aardvarks
RelayHorseGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorseGroup
repeatStrings(int, String) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lioness
RoaringLion - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class is a custom Lion class, which is defining the lion behavior
RoaringLion(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLion
this constructor passing the animal name to parent class
RoaringLionGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
RoaringLionGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLionGroup
ROTTI - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
run() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
An instance of an Aardvark is now Runnable - call this run() method to see all the Aardvark tricks.
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AardvarkGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AbyssinianGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AspGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BearcatGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTigerGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguarGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPantherGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BrachiosaurusGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BuffaloGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CatGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CheetahGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLionGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CowGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CrocodileGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DalmatianGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DeerGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DinosaurGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.DuckGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBirdGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantGroup
do not reply any value
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.EmuGroup
It does not return any value
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTigerGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FloppyGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FrogGroup
runs the Frog attributes
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GerenukGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GiraffeGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GlyptodonGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GoatGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.GriffinGroup
Run() uses the group to do things Simulates or tests various things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HippopotamusGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KangarooGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KangaroovGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.KoalaGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LigerGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LionessGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.LionGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLionGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeerGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.OkapiGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PantheraGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBearGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHornGroup
function run prints the statements
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PumaGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RabbitGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorseGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLionGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ShoebillGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTigerGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SquirrelGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StagGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRayGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBearGroup
Running (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTigerGroup
This is the run method for TauntingTigerGroup
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.UnicornGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.XraytetraGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things
run() - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMooseGroup
Run (simulate) the group doing things


selectedAnimal() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.visitAnimals
September - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo.Calender
SEPTEMBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
SEPTEMBER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
setAge(int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
setDrinkName(Drinks) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.OrderedDrink
setDrinkOrders(ArrayList<OrderedDrink>) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Checkin
setDrinkOrders(ArrayList<OrderedDrink>) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.StaffCheckin
setGender(AnimalGender) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
Set the animal gender using an enum
setIsAlive(boolean) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
setItemName(Items) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.OrderedItem
setItemOrders(ArrayList<OrderedItem>) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Checkin
setItemOrders(ArrayList<OrderedItem>) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.StaffCheckin
setStaffId(int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
setStaffList(ArrayList<Staff>) - Static method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
setTotal_price(double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Billing
setVisitorId(int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
setVisitorList(Visitor) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
setWeight_pounds(double) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
Shoebill - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class is about Shoebill extends Animal
Shoebill(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill
Shoebill.Seasons - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
ShoebillGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Shoebills
ShoebillGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ShoebillGroup
SiberianTiger - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
SiberianTiger(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTiger
SiberianTigerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
SiberianTigerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTigerGroup
size() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
size() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
skintype() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Rabbit
sleep() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
sleep() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines sleep duration of animal
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow.EnumDirections
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Abyssinian
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Animal
abstract speak() - has no implementation
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Arvicolinae
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Asp
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BengalTiger
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackJaguar
speak method
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.BlackPanther
BlackPanther Speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Brachiosaurus
speak() method
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Buffalo
* Override method for buffalo speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cat
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cheetah
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.CongoLion
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Crocodile
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dalmatian
Determines the animal speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Deer
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dinosaur
This method is used to print speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Duck
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Elephant
This is used to print animal speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ElephantBird
Elephant Bird speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Emu
Determines the animal speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
Override method for FerociousTiger Speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Floppy
speak override function of super class animal
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
overrides speak method
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Gerenuk
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Giraffe
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Glyptodon
Animal speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Goat
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Griffin
speak() - Presents the types of sounds made by the Griffin
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSeal
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Hippopotamus
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroov
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Koala
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Liger
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lion
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lioness
This is a speak method
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MuleDeer
Overriding speak method
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Okapi
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panda
speak overrides function in animal class
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Panthera
This is speak method which is used to to print the message print the statement
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PolarBear
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
This is speak method which is used to to print the message print the statement
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Puma
Determines the animal speak
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Rabbit
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RelayHorse
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.RoaringLion
this function prints the animal sound
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SiberianTiger
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines sound of animal
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRay
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBear
Overriding speak method extended from animal
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This method is about the animal speaking
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Unicorn
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Walrus
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
This is speak method which is used to to print the message print the statement
speak() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
speed() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo
speed() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Lion
SPRING - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill.Seasons
Squirrel - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Squireel class (derived from subclass of superclass Animal)
Squirrel(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Aardvark constructor
SquirrelGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
SquirrelGroup class demonstrating run and create methods
SquirrelGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SquirrelGroup
Staff - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
storing the staff data extending person abstract class
Staff(int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Staff
StaffCheckin - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
choosing type of checking based upon staff interest
StaffCheckin() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.StaffCheckin
Stag - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This is the Stag class which extends Animal
Stag(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag
Stag Constructor
Stag.Months - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
enum function with month values
StagGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class of StagGroup provides methods to create and run a group of stags
StagGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StagGroup
StringRay - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of StringRay.
StringRay(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRay
StringRayGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
StringRayGroup which gives their behaviour
StringRayGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRayGroup
studentCow() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow
studentDuck() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Duck
sub(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ProngHorn
function sub gives subtarction
sum() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Koala
This method will initialize the values and calls the sumOfNumbers method
SUMMER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill.Seasons
sumOfNumbers(int, int) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Koala
sumOfTwo() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Emu
This method will initialize the values and calls the sum method
SunBear - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines the nature of the SunBear animal
SunBear(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBear
SunBearGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This class defines SunBearGroup
SunBearGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.SunBearGroup
survive() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
swim() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.StringRay


TauntingTiger - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
This Class extends Animal class
TauntingTiger(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This is the parametrized constructor
TauntingTigerGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of TauntingTiger
TauntingTigerGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTigerGroup
tHeight() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
toString() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Aardvark
toString() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Person
toString method, used to display
TWO_LEGS - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
Animal generally has two legs
type() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.FerociousTiger
Type method of FerociousTiger
type() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Frog
type of animal
type() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.TauntingTiger
This method is about the animal type
typeofAnimal(String) - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines type of animal with name


Unicorn - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Unicorn(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Unicorn
unicorn constructor
UnicornGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Unicorn
UnicornGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.UnicornGroup
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalGender


value() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Dinosaur
This method prints area
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalGender
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup.Animal
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat.occurFrom
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow.EnumDirections
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup.Animals
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo.Calender
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup.age
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill.Seasons
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup.Donate
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalGender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.AnimalLegs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.ArvicolinaeGroup.Animal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Bearcat.occurFrom
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow.EnumDirections
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup.Animals
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Kangaroo.Calender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.MightyLion.Months
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.PandaGroup.age
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Shoebill.Seasons
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Stag.Months
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup.Donate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VEG_BIRYANI - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Items
visible() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Abyssinian
visitAnimals - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
visitAnimals() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.visitAnimals
Visitor - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
storing visitor data and extending the person abstract class
Visitor() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
Visitor(int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor
visitorId - Variable in class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Visitor


Walrus - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Walrus class,derived subclass from the superclass Animal)
Walrus - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.HarpSealGroup.Animals
Walrus(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Walrus
WalrusGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Walrus
WalrusGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup
WalrusGroup.Donate - Enum Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
WATER - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.Drinks
weight() - Method in class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Squirrel
Method which defines weight of animal
WEST - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Cow.EnumDirections


Xraytetra - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Xraytetra(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.Xraytetra
XraytetraGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of Xraytetras
XraytetraGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.XraytetraGroup


YukonMoose - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
YukonMoose(String) - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMoose
YukonMooseGroup - Class in edu.nwmissouri.animalList
Provides methods to create and run a group of YukonMoose
YukonMooseGroup() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.YukonMooseGroup


ZooNeeds - Enum constant in enum class edu.nwmissouri.animalList.WalrusGroup.Donate
ZooResApp - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
This is main class
ZooResApp() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.ZooResApp
ZooRestaurantApplication - Class in edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group
Entry point for our new Spring Boot Web App.
ZooRestaurantApplication() - Constructor for class edu.nwmissouri.zoo02group.ZooRestaurantApplication
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